The Duck Pond 


General life observations and rambling

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

This blog is moving as I want it to be consistent with all my other stuff. Once I have set it up I shall post the link here in case anyone actually does still read my sparse but boring wafflings.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I've got a new job (I say "new", it's been well over 3 months now) and as it's practically on my doorstep, I'm no longer walking 4 miles a day which means I've put on a stone. Bugger. I have joined a gym and have been swimming 3/4 times a week for the last 2 weeks but I'm not seeing much difference. Obviously I don't expect a body like Cameron Diaz after only 2 weeks of swimming but it's still a bit frustrating.

I have a new job. I love it. I can't believe I spent so long at that boys' club working for that utter dickhead when I could have been here.

Totally shattered this week. I have been getting up early to go swimming and let the rats out (not at the same time of course) and then it's work all day, chores at lunch, go home and make dinner, rush off to do wizard, get back some time between 10 and 11, feed rats, bed.

I am doing props for the local amateur production of Wizard of Oz all week. I'd write more but I'm exhausted.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Just because you saw an advert on telly telling you you need dairy for strong bones, that does not make you a nutritional expert. Please bugger off.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Well I am jobless and have been for nearly a month now. I have had 2 interviews, both of which I fluffed and I'm getting very despondent about the whole thing.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Today is blog against sexual violence day.

Violence against women is always unacceptable.

If she's wearing a short skirt she's not "asking for it".
If she's had a couple of drinks, she's not "asking for it".
If she's had sex before, she's not "asking for it". No matter how often or with how many men.
If she's on a date with you she's not "asking for it".
If you've bought her a drink, she's not "asking for it".
If she's walking alone at night she's not "asking for it".
If she's nice to you she's not "asking for it".

There are many other situations I'm sure I've missed. If you don't have her undoubted consent then it's rape and it's wrong. Unfortunately in our society people are still too quick to blame the victim.

Let's look to a world where a woman can go out at night, on her own if she so wishes, perhaps have a couple of drinks, wear what she wants and be confident that she will come to no harm.

Let's look to a world where date-rape and marital rape also does not happen.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Vegetarians don't eat animals. Fish are animals.

Honestly, how fucking hard is it?

Thursday, March 01, 2007

What a load of toss Initial Shitty Link are. I knew that anyway of course after previous run ins and was already at the point where, whenever I saw one of their hideous vans, I'd itch to throw something at it: preferably a grenade. Well I made a big mistake in giving them another chance. Two fucking days of "Delivery point closed, (carded)" on the parcel tracker. Totally wasted holiday where I was sat around, totally housebound. Not a sign of them of course and no card left (even in the unlikely event they'd happened to try to deliver the parcel while I spent a few minutes on the loo). I even rang them twice to make sure they had the parcel and the correct address, only to be assured that "Oh he's a really good driver, he knows what he's doing". Oh really.

Upon my third phonecall I was told "Oh, I'm sorry, there must have been a mix up" i.e. they couldn't be arsed to deliver it. Two fucking days in a row.

The worst thing about the sorry affair is that there's not much I can do about it. Shittylink don't give a crap because I'm not the one who's paying them. I cancelled my laptop order in the hope that CCL Computers will get on their case after losing business but after speaking to customer support monkey, I doubt that.

Now I need to find somewhere that sells laptops that doesn't use Shittylink or where I can collect that doesn't have astronomical markups.

On a lighter note, I saw Hot Fuzz last night. Splendid film. I was slightly worried that it wouldn't meet my high expectations but it actually passed them.

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