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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Vegetarians don't eat animals. Fish are animals.

Honestly, how fucking hard is it?

Thursday, March 01, 2007

What a load of toss Initial Shitty Link are. I knew that anyway of course after previous run ins and was already at the point where, whenever I saw one of their hideous vans, I'd itch to throw something at it: preferably a grenade. Well I made a big mistake in giving them another chance. Two fucking days of "Delivery point closed, (carded)" on the parcel tracker. Totally wasted holiday where I was sat around, totally housebound. Not a sign of them of course and no card left (even in the unlikely event they'd happened to try to deliver the parcel while I spent a few minutes on the loo). I even rang them twice to make sure they had the parcel and the correct address, only to be assured that "Oh he's a really good driver, he knows what he's doing". Oh really.

Upon my third phonecall I was told "Oh, I'm sorry, there must have been a mix up" i.e. they couldn't be arsed to deliver it. Two fucking days in a row.

The worst thing about the sorry affair is that there's not much I can do about it. Shittylink don't give a crap because I'm not the one who's paying them. I cancelled my laptop order in the hope that CCL Computers will get on their case after losing business but after speaking to customer support monkey, I doubt that.

Now I need to find somewhere that sells laptops that doesn't use Shittylink or where I can collect that doesn't have astronomical markups.

On a lighter note, I saw Hot Fuzz last night. Splendid film. I was slightly worried that it wouldn't meet my high expectations but it actually passed them.

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