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Friday, December 10, 2004

Went out on Wednesday and had a super time. I was rather nervous beforehand as I didn't really know anyone. The girl who had invited me, is someone from the other office, who I met at a party and she felt sorry for me, imprisoned away in this office. Anyway she's cool. We got on really well and a bit later on we were joined by some of the software engineers from the other office who I also liked. Hopefully I'll get invited out with them again.

Going out again tonight with some girls from work. Should be fun. It's nice to have a decent social life again, even though it's bloody hard work!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Ee ah'm reet brussened
Happy now, you strange man?

The Goose is Getting Fat
Not long until Christmas as the weeks are flying by so I'm sure it will be upon me in 2 shakes of a lamb's tail. Or something. I have oodles of time off, due to them forcing us to take 3 days holiday between Chrimbo and new year and me having a bit of extra holiday spare. Woo.

Only interesting thing I did this weekend was go to an Ann Summers party. I spent too much, naturally, but it won't break the bank. It was good fun but I think it would have been better had I known the others well. I only really knew 3 people there and those I didn't know that well. It all got a bit personal, as you might expect and it's no point knowing all this stuff about people if you can't tease them about it afterwards!

This Week I have Mostly Been Annoyed At...
Those phones that repeatedly ring if you have a voicemail, combined with stupid marketing people. Today one of them has gone to a meeting, leaving his phone at his desk. It rang 4 times in quick succession before I grabbed it, threw it to the floor, jumped up and down on it until it was a crumpled pile of scraps and then threw those remaining scraps out of the window. IN MY MIND. In reality I muttered under my breath and went and switched it off.

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